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Chinese translation for "rye bread"


Related Translations:
rye:  n.【植物;植物学】1.裸麦〔面包原料、牲畜饲料〕;〔美俗〕裸麦威士忌酒。2.绅士,〔特指〕吉卜赛绅士,和吉卜赛人要好的人。
wild rye:  【植物;植物学】野麦属植物〔产于北美洲〕。
rye grass:  n.【植物;植物学】毒麦〔做粮草用〕。
rock and rye:  加有冰糖和水果片装瓶的裸麦威士忌酒。
bread:  n.1.面包。2.食物,粮食;〔比喻〕生计,生活必需品。3.【基督教】(圣餐式上的)一块[份]面包。4.〔美俚〕钱。短语和例子a slice of bread 一块面包。 black [brown] bread黑面包。 the bread of life 活命粮。 one's daily bread 每天的食物。 beg one's bread 讨饭,行乞。 bread b
dry bread:  1.没有涂奶油的面包。2.陈面包。
bread tree:  面包树。
corn bread:  玉米面包。
brown bread:  黑面包。
monkey bread:  【植物;植物学】猴面包(树、果)。
Example Sentences:
1.His father emptied sacks of stale rye bread into the vat .
2.Behind the counter he cut four fat slices of rye bread and buttered them liberally .
3.Instead use oats , brown rice and rye bread
4.The poor man has only one rye bread to eat
5.You got any rye bread ? - no , sir , i ' m sorry . we do not
-你有黑面包吗? -没有,先生,抱歉,我们这没有
6.And foryou ? - ham sandwich on stale rye bread . lots of mayo , easy on the ham
7.- and foryou ? - ham sandwich on stale rye bread . lots of mayo , easy on the ham
8.You got all these kinds of bread . you don ' t have rye bread . it ' s very common
9.I like rye bread
10.What kind a bread would you like ? soft bread , hard roll , french bread or rye bread
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